Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 1 of the Biggest Loser

I tried to write this earlier but, alas, my network is being annoying...

Today is the second day of snow and it is surprisingly calm in my house. My kids are being pleasant (for the moment), my husband is folding his laundry after 3 hours of Guitar Hero. I made what look like super yummy and healthy banana muffins for dessert tonight and I started the Biggest Loser competition today since I weigh more now than I did when I joined Weight Watchers after having my second child. Pretty sad, but, it has been a really rough 6 months (I'll post about it one day when I have the emotional stability to do so).

I am going to do what I said I would do and post my weight for all of theinternet to see should they like to seek it out: 183.6 and hold myself accountable for getting back to feeling good and pretty and, yes folks, even sexy! Did I mention my husband bought me lingerie for my b-day...egads given my current size, but loveable that he thinks I would look good in it. It's a testiment to 10 1/2 years I suppose! Anyhoo, I'm pushing the post button now to further embarass myself! Have a great day! (I'm blushing as I push...)


  1. Your husband is a doll; I love how they retain a vision of our former selves when all we can see is a distorted image of our current misery... lol.

    You can do it~ a bunch of people at school just started a Biggest Loser group to support one another's efforts and there are now Zumba classes held formally on site, from what I hear... a long way from the days of doing bootleg step aerobics in classrooms...

  2. I do miss the bootleg aerobics and our power walks through Liz's neighborhood!
