Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The end of an era (okay 6 1/2 years, but who is counting)...

Today, my third and final child turns two. Now, I know that he will always be my baby and all that jazz, but at two a child is less baby and more child. He talks fairly clearly, even asking questions. He follows directions, walks up and down stairs unassisted, chews gum (yes, I know someone will call DYCS about this, but the older two do it so he has too), feeds himself, and even acknowledges when he has pooped in his diaper ("I tinky"). The days of him cuddling for hours or cooing at the mobile (actually as #3 it never made it over his crib but I can imagine it) are done. He is his own little man with his own likes and dislikes and opinions. He is a pure joy to watch and play with everyday. He is the light that greets me each morning and the star that puts me to sleep each night. He is, from the minute he was born and plaed in my arms, a true "Mommy's Boy". I would have it no other way and am eager to see where the world takes him....but, alas, I am sad to know I will never have it again.

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