Monday, January 3, 2011


Okay, so I'm gearing up for this "Biggest Loser" competition with some of my fellow moms. It starts on Saturday. I plan to follow Weight Watchers on my own (I've paid in the past) and think I have enough will power to do it on my own right now. Afterall, I'm blogging about it and joined a group on my facebook page about it. Now to get my head in the game. Right now I really want a cheeseburger and the pear sitting in my fruit bowl is not looking appealing...I need to set foot in my gym again (I've been out since August b/c I had some crazy pneumonia or virus ir soemthing that was never figured out but caused me much pain and suffering...hence part of my craziness and dulldroms...I've had more CT Scans, x-rays and even a PET Scan than a normal person and am anticipating a tumor from all the radiation...yes, folks, I'm a terrible pessimist).. Anyhoo, this week I'm vowing to try to psych myself up, get in the game, jump on the bandwagon, move forward..."Today is the first day of the rest of my life" as the Automotive shop's placard claims (don't even ask about this place...great work, but crazy placards every week). Anymore cliches anyone can throw my way?

Go get 'em me!

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